Why Opting For Solar Power At Residences Makes Sense?

When it comes to getting solar panels installed, there are way too many benefits for homeowners. It not only brings down the energy bills significantly, but also lowers the overall carbon footprint, and heightens the home value. However, installing and maintaining a 10kW solar system in Sydney comes at a price. Luckily, the 10kW solar system price in NSW or in any part of Australia isn’t on the higher side. Moreover, we at Green Reliance, make sure that you can make a transition to green energy within your budget.

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Should you go for a 10kW solar system in Sydney?

For those who do not know, a solar panel of 10kW is a big investment, even for a big household. It is one of the largest photovoltaic systems available for residential purposes. In fact, it can be a great choice for large households and small commercial places/ home offices, if you’re planning to make a transition to cleaner energy. Furthermore, the rapidly declining rate of solar power systems has lowered the cost of the 10kW solar system. They have become much more affordable now.

How big are 10kW solar setups?

Typically, a regular solar 10kW system consists of 30-40 photovoltaic panels. So, you’d need a fairly large space for it to be installed properly.

How much power does it generate?

A fully-functional solar panel of 10kW generates around 44 units per day. However, the amount of power generated depends on two main factors – the geographic location and the orientation of the array. Naturally, the panels would generate more power in summers than in winters, and it would yield better results in sunnier locations/ situations.

What’s the average payback period?

No matter what’s the 10kW solar system price in Sydney, the average payback period for a solar 10kW system is usually about 3 to 5 years. The fact that you’d start saving as soon as you have it installed, is what makes the system so effective.

Understanding solar power

PV panels have been in use since the 1950s but it is only recently that the declining prices of the panels and the accessories have turned it into a viable and more meaningful option.

Solar panel sizes are quoted in terms of electrical output. If the typical output realized for PV panels is between 15-30 percent (known as capacity factor in PV panels), a 10 kWh solar system running at 15% capacity would produce about 10 kWh x 15% x 24 hours/day x 365 days/year. This amounts to 13,140 kWh/year.

Major costs associated with installing a 10 kWh solar system

Solar power systems are capital intensive, and the main cost of it comes upfront when you opt for it. However, some of the other accessories/ equipment that are necessary for the system to work include an inverter – one that would convert the direct current into the alternating current used by appliances, metering equipment that shows how much current is produced, and a few other components like cables and other wiring gear.

Depending on how you plan on using the 10 kWh/ 10kW solar system, at times, homeowners can also consider using battery storage, particularly when they want to save some of the energy produced or want to recoup some of the 10 kW solar price by selling it off. No matter what, batteries have always been expensive. In fact, we’d urge you to lower costs by having the excess fed into the grid (if that’s an option for you). Lastly, the cost of the setup also includes installation labor costs, as well as operation and maintenance charges.

Why choose our solar panel of 10kW?

We at Green Reliance have been working to make solar energy simpler and affordable for all. We’ve been at work since 2010 and have helped thousands of house owners to cut back on energy costs.

If your place gets ample sunshine all year round, you can definitely make the move to go solar. That said, with the cost of solar PV panels at an all-time low, more and more people/ households are choosing to go solar. Moreover, choosing to opt for solar energy protects you from outages, gives you greater control over your energy bills, reduces the carbon footprint, and more.

We at Green Reliance have been at work over the last 10 years and have always been at the forefront of the solar revolution. This is why houses across Sydney and NSW, trust us for their solar residential needs. Want to know more? We follow an environmentally sensitive design and look forward to engaging people, neighbors, community groups, environmental groups, businesses, and more.

Connect with us through our dedicated Contact Us section. You may even give us a call to find out more about our quality service and transparent pricing policy.

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